Just some stuff...
Did you ever notice that fireworks look even more spectacular when they’re going off over water?
My brother once told me that people live longer in the colder northern states than people in the warmer southern states because bodies tend to rot in the heat and the cold preserves people. He told me that a long time ago. I have no documentation to prove any of it. But since I hate the heat it sounds like a nifty tale.
The Old Guy (sometimes known around these here parts as the dog) threw up in the in the wee hours of this morning (try 2 am). I had just considered closing my book and turning off the light to go to sleep since The Rock had already succumbed to the ZZZZs when I heard the unmistakable sounds of a dog in distress. Aw shoot… Poor Rock…he had to get up and go for the Resolve and paper towels since he can still get down on his knees and I can’t. The Old Guy, in typical dog style, had most of it cleaned up already himself. Yuck! How can dogs do that?!
Speaking of dogs, The Old Guy has to have his nails trimmed and he gets as stressed over that as I did the MRI this week so they’ll have to knock him out to do it. Probably just as well, it usually takes 3 men and a boy, as my dad used to say, to hold him down. He has long ‘quicks’ so it’s tricky to cut his nails without him bleeding like a stuck pig. Poor ole guy. He seems to be having another ear infection and they’ll be able to tend to that without a problem too. He’s half Sharpei and half Dobie and his ears are all folded over, giving him a square headed appearance. It’s very cute but a bad design which causes recurrent ear infections and which may have contributed to why he’s deaf now.
Confession: I like to fill and empty the “recycle bin” on my computer’s desktop because of the crinkly paper sound it makes…
They’re digging up the street for water main repairs down the block from us and the heavy equipment sounds just like that danged MRI I almost had this week.
Beautiful daughter and family are currently in
Younger Sonny is heading out to
The other day when The Rock was home for lunch a stranger showed up at the door claiming we’d requested him. He was an insurance salesman from some company or another! I didn’t think they did that anymore…show up uninvited on people’s doorsteps. Of course he didn’t gain entrance.
He was all dressed up in a blazer and driving a fancy Audi with a veteran’s license plate. Out of his respect for veterans, The Rock opened the door but Mr. Insurance Salesman didn’t gain entrance. For heaven’s sake, why would we abandon our regular insurance man that we’ve known and liked for a long time and who has served us well, and his father before him, for a total stranger who shows up at our door?
We haven’t had any uninvited people knocking on the door for a long time, not even the very polite Bible-toting doomsayers who regularly canvas the neighborhoods. Does this occurrence mean we might see a resurgence of Fuller Brush men and women coming to the door? Good grief, I hope not! Or sellers of magazine subscriptions? Would we open the door to them? I think not.
Do I even have anything of consequence to say here today? Probably not…
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